Damn that funny
I cant control my hands!!! you got 10!!!!!!!!!
This flash is the first I have posted. I am curious what people will think good or bad.
Damn that funny
I cant control my hands!!! you got 10!!!!!!!!!
I love this flash! WOW. You are a GOD, LUNT!!!
I think that this flash should be posted on the flash hall of fame! I want your body Lunt! give it to me.....OHH....YESSSSSSSSS
not bad
it's too short but that was not so bad
real good
seriously its real good. considering its your first flash your killin. hope youll make an other. i liked the gun.
good going
u seem to have the ideas.....but not a good way to publish them. the movie needed backround sound, like a bird cerping or wind. it was very good for an 1st movie though. the flash needed an title, not untitled #1.
it could of been a bit longer though and u could have had more carrots with a fight sene in it. but i decress, good going!