it hurts my ears.
With the Key-Tar, you can play the guitar on you KEYBOARD! There have been drum simulators and DJ simulators, but a GUITAR?!
oh yea, it goes there ;D
...Actual guitar recordings...
it hurts my ears.
I don't like this at all. The guitar is out of tune and it easily ruins the whole thing, Along with the fact you can't strum open A, D, G, B, or high E strings. There's probably more amiss, but I'm to lazy to nitpick any more than that. I'm willing to give this a four, but no more than that. I don't recommend this.
cool hint
for 007 theme type m-;-: over n over again
sounds like a violin, isnt even close to becoming best of all time.
it sounds like my guitar (wich has 5 broken strings and are untuned) so it sucks