I like it! P.S. So TRUE.
Here is my yearly dedication to releasing a climate change animation. A little bit of rotoscoping, frame-by-frame, and tweening, Punt a Penguin will show how cities around the world can help contribute to the overwhelming problems we are encountering together as a society. Enjoy. -jmtb02
I like it! P.S. So TRUE.
Those shitty cities polluting are all democrat cities. This leftist propaganda is shit.
The way the art is stylized really adds to the quality of this animation. It shows that it is a frame by frame animation. It also shows that a normal person did this, not some gian company big-shot. That makes it more relatable. The music really fit the animation quite nicely, it was not too over powering or too sappy and mellow dramatic. This piece has a great overall charm. All things considered, I think this piece is wonderful in all aspects of the word. 5/5
ya...I wish ppl would stop pullotin and stuff .... really bad
Here's what I think could have been improved:
The animation and rotoscoping in this movie were quite fluid, and the artwork--while reminding me of a lot of things I wish I could see less of in flash (gradients, effects applied to static backgrounds)--was cute and did what it needed to do. The text was unique, crisp, and stayed on the screen for just about as long as it needed to. The other animations in this movie should have followed suit; if I can tell exactly what's going to happen in the next few seconds, the movie is moving too slowly. That being said, I still enjoyed this movie. It is better than a lot of penguin shorts on Newgrounds.