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A Brand New Day

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Ok so I've redone the pre-loader, now it has my signature pre-loader. And I also did the name change of nintendogeek to shmelo.

This is my first animation! Well I've done some little gif things but this is my first fully done animation!

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Good job!

That was really good for a first flash! I liked the style of your characters and the outlines were unique.
Keep up the good work! I'm eager to watch the rest of your work!

nintendogeek responds:

Thank you very much, I was proud of this work and I have begun more work.


This is great for a first flash.
your curved lines look a little odd, but generally I like the style.

nintendogeek responds:

Thanks a bunch but it was my first animation not first flash, but either way I'm just begining!

random but funny

All today ive been extremly bored and havent seen a good flash all day...... very nice work keep it up.

nintendogeek responds:

Thats what I am trying to achieve random yet enjoyable flash.


As an attempt by a novitiate, this is quite good. As stated, not clocks or stickmen. A lot of work and coding. Good job!!!

WHat could be better?

The music didn't sync meaningfully with the action

The story was about us (the viewers) watching a computer game about someone who watches computer games -- kinda pathetic in a nested way.

Needs a good story next time.

Don't repeat the same animations over and over. It's lazy.

There could be more motion, some more movement of facial expressions etc.

You could have some dialogue. Music videos are pretty much a cop out.

nintendogeek responds:

Well again the story kinda went as his day and what happened on a new day and in the i state anything can ahppen that was the message i was trying to reach. But i'm proud of this being my first.

not bad

this was a good flash. i liked the idea od jesus blowing up the school.The music was awesome, went really well with the flash video.good job!

nintendogeek responds:

Thankyou soooo much for actually understanding the jesus blowing up school. O and btw im a christian so im not mocking religion i just think jesus kiks ass and hes cool enough to destroy the one things everyone hates!

Credits & Info

3.25 / 5.00

Jan 29, 2006
8:05 PM EST