if you're going to remake something, do it better, not worse.
Finished it in like, a couple hours.
Just sat down and did it.
I did NOT record "DBZ in a Nutshell," I merely animated it.
DBZ in a Nutshell recorded by Egoraptor
It's a "QUICK animation."
That I happened to do in my free time.
A creative break from my other animations.
"Good job. January 22, 2006
Reviewed by: Egoraptor Overall rating: 7
You guys can bash it and say it's not as good as the "original" all you want, but the "original" was simply my sound clip (which I made, by the way). It's always interesting to see different interpretations of certain sound clips and I thought this one was really cute and stylish. So kudos.
Plus, you got the characters right this time around."
if you're going to remake something, do it better, not worse.
I didn't care for it as much as I did the original, but then again an original is an original. I thought the timing on the cartoon was off from the timing on the sound the sound clip moved alot faster than the cartoon (which was kinda slow) and didn't take as much a dramatic effect.
somebody else had the same thief...
love this. your animation style is great, even though it's simplistic - it works well with the audio, and the little extras (the "..." next to Frieza trying to figure out what his weapons are, the arrow to Krillin's bald head, etc.) are icing on the cake.
fabulous little short - i'll be laughing about it for days.
This is basically what happens EVERY episode