damn, those graphics SUCK!
This is Trey's first publicly-released demo reel with more to follow (you better believe I'll be posting continuations here). It's 4.5 mb so be patient, because there's no pre-loader. These are lower-poly video game characters and animations developed from scratch. Not bad for 3 weeks (taking time out for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years Eve, of coarse). Contact Trey: ( GrandmasterTrey@yahoo.com ) with work opportunities, or to see more of Trey's work, visit: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanart/src.php?sort=ยง=&srcht=a&srch=Grandmaster_Trey .
VERY IMPORTANT: Because of copyright laws, this video is intended for open-ended, non-profit distribution. The creator (Trey) stakes no claim to the works of Benny Benassi (a DJ whose music is featured in a portion of this demo), or the character Captain Picard of Star Trek: Next Generation. These are the copyrights of others that Trey is extending for the sole purpose of creating a public muse and is gaining no profit by exhibiting them. Please respect your local copyright laws when viewing or commenting on this production.
Thanks for watching and stay tuned for further developments.
damn, those graphics SUCK!
How do you do that? I must know. I have been blammed so many times due to poor graphics. I didn't know you could make 3d stuff in flash.
OMFG!!!! You must tell me the secrect of this
OMFG!!!! You must tell me the secrect of this master piece!!!!!!