Let it SAVE our MONEY even AFTER we die...
Edit: Now with sounds, and bombs are cheaper
UP: Thrust forwards
DOWN: Thrust Backwards
LEFT: rotate counter clockwise
RIGTH: rotate clockwise
SPACE: fire laser gun
SHIFT: drop a bomb
Change the quality, for better performance!
Most enemies are forced to live on the floor. But in high levels there are also flying enemies.
You have to reach a certain score, to complete a level. When you complete a level, that will be saved, and you can resume the next time you play it.
I have added no preload. this file is not that big.
Let it SAVE our MONEY even AFTER we die...
this game doesn't make any sense! plz make it better
shit................. nuff said
I agree with all the people that said it is H.A.Rd
It seems to have some potential for lots of fun though. I just not good enough for these controls anymore... maybe getting too old.