Enough said but could have been longer....
Many battalions were sent to defend a hold in the east, Blue soldiers, playing a more German role have come to attack.
Enough said but could have been longer....
friggin awesome
that was so awesome i watched it twice
loved it
loved it beat all the games i injoy metal slug flashes and thats why i love it
really good..
that was a good movie:) too bad it was no music, but the effects were good and the graphics were nice.
metal slug ruuules !,,! !,,!
keep up the good work:D
So the blue is nazi alright. Anyway..... it was a nice game and like life all those troops died cos you can't like have 1 troop take on 1 whole army lol. You made it realistic so in concludeing I just want to say NICE GAME BUT MAKE IT LONGER!