u probly had to jack off at night with ur mom to come up with that pice of shit
thinger man is a part man part sasquatch and part something i don't know like paramecium or something
u probly had to jack off at night with ur mom to come up with that pice of shit
droppin it like its hawt
waiting for the "wtf" moment to pass......
hahah it was crazy as usual but I really liked it :)
This was F'ed in the A...
and that is why I liked it! Didn't understand it, but what the hell...I don't have to understand something to like it, right? RIGHT?? That's right!
good idea
its pretty good idea and good animation except im not a fan of that music but it fits the movie
The music was perfect. What was it? I've never heard anything like that before except on segues for Die Form (thats a band). The story was interesting too. Making it mostly silent was a nice touch. I wouldn't add any more sound. The "people" were striking as well. They looked liked aliens and those jiggling heads were just fascinating. The grin and Jetsons hair on the "monster" were so out of place that it was surreal. The ending was great too: abrupt, and open. Did the thinger-man survive? Will that guy standing on the sidewalk get chewed like old bubble-gum? Will that kooky music keep playing?
If I could point out one improvement it would be the art. Not the animations, the frame rate is good, just the art-work itself. Good job overall!
First I made the music while stoned out of my fucken tree
second its a genetic half man half bear