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Big Brother Intro

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Author Comments

I wasn't given much time, but I hopped right to it when I heard the song. I was told to approach it with the classic "I Dream of Jeanie" and "Bewitched" Style of fast paced humor. it's not long but all together it makes for the sketch. It should introduce the idea that the sketch comedy will be a little raw while still based around silliness.

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I liked the song

The animation was just a bit sloppy. You could see the joints in the woman's legs and stuff, and you'd probably be better off drawing your backdrops. Photoshopping pictures is a bit of a cop out.
It was fluid though. Try doing a bit more stuff using the paint tool rather than the line. I find it's a nicer look overall.

Claus responds:

Thank you for your advise. I agree i would have much rather created my own backgrounds, soo with the time constraint I shoved some nice pics into flash and traced the bitmap. Believe me ...a huge cop out. :) I see what you mean about the legs. Next time i'll pay more attention. Those motions are always the true focus of animation anyways. Thanks again for your help.


I liked the way your characters looked and they were animated well. The song was cool and fitted the animation well. I've never heard this song before.. but I wished there was more to this movie.. it seemed quite short.

Claus responds:

Thank you for youe compliments! It was very short, no doubt. I only had 30 sec's to work with due to the fact that the audio was provided and i had to match it. *shrug* so i'm glad you liked the characters too, lukely the people they were based off of had different features. BONUS! Thanks again.


kool but too short.

looks promising

Sounds like a good idea, and by the looks of it it should come out well exacuted. Just a couple suggestions: i couldn't really hear the vocals in the theme, and maybe since you're making a sitcom-based flash series try including a laughing-reel that would be pretty cool.

Claus responds:

Actualy they are a comedy troop who do stage performances and this was their "stage setup" entertainment. They only needed the time given in the song and was like "Okay?" Although now thinking about it I could use these characters in a sitcom......you've just inspired me ....SWEET! Thanks again. ;)

Why rush

Wats the hurry, take time with the animation and at the end, u needed to continue with the sound!

Claus responds:

Unfortunantly the rush was because the opening night of the stage show was Jan 9th and they need it between skits or leading into the "Big Brother" skit....so i was given the project on saturday night. Ba bam i gave it my all and my sleeep. Speaking of which I'm going to go get some sleep. Thank you for the ratings and opinions! :)

Credits & Info

3.96 / 5.00

Jan 9, 2006
10:50 PM EST