I had a Feeling that was how it was going to end.
This is one of those Cartoons where the endings worth sticking around for. This was our fourth cartoon and it's unlike the others. Ngp INC which edits out toons wanted to try and work with some asspects of flash they where to familure with and in the end did a good job makeing the main monkey sing. Then in about 5 hours "Infamy" One of the INA artest Drew the back ground and all you see happening in the back ground. we know it's not that special but from a tec side it was a step up for us.
I had a Feeling that was how it was going to end.
carnage at the zoo
hahahahahahahaha! totally Awesome!
I've ate bread more intresting then this!!!
first of all the idea of singing monkeys sucked yeah evil monkeys but singing?!! seriously man think of somthing better next time!!
sniff.... just beutiful...
Before i start, i would like to say that the last person who reviewed this is dead inside... or blind to utter hilarity and funniness. (for the love of jesus christ he gave it a 0!) good video with good music. nuff said. Mabe not. the animation could have been a little better and more fluent. the lip movments were accurate though...
hey guy
Fantastical is not a word.