Classic! Still can't believe that's Simon Pegg!
WOW frontpage! Thanks! I'm not fully sure about how this whole site works yet but I know it's hard to get frontpage and we all would like to thank the guys that have got us on frontpage and love it that people are enjoying our toons!
Johnny Casanova has an eye for the girls... but they don't have an eye for him!
One of my pupils from college told me that my company should put some of our flash on here, apparently it's a good way to attract fans, and it seems good so here is my first cartoon I will add. Our website is currently down so sorry for that. This is a movie we made a while back, took just over a week between the five of us.
Don't forget to check our YouTube!
Classic! Still can't believe that's Simon Pegg!
British people are gross for real
Sure are haha
reminds me of the inbetweeners
One of my favorite books. I have to say that the voice though is a little bit older for J. Casanova, for me it doesn't seem to fit. Anyways, do someone know that is there a book that is kinda J. Casanova's adventure love and teenage years?