Ok, peice of shit
Vote Reasonably The Sprites Sounds and music were a pain to get, Sorry Bout the text its reads " Im So Good I Never Fight Anymore" And "Brother What are you doing?" for the rest i put buttons for ease of reading. Hope Ya Like It If ya Do ill make some more. ITS A MOVIE SORRY FOR LEAVING IT UNDER GAME/INTERACTIVE !!
Ok, peice of shit
Very choppy
Please make it smoother, and maybe next time add some different sprites or something.
not really smooth
it was good and the idea was but as some advice i just wanna say to put more frames into the moving
they didnt move around too smoothly and it looked like they popped from one place to another instead of rean or walked or jump
goob job
I think mega man shuold win but i really like the.
A short movie the music is terrible.
The end was great beacuse i like when the bad guys
Great beam sound...but bad animation.