what the??
if theyre some place else then whos that???
Welcome to...
Drawing Contest #5
anything can happen when its about drawing !
Enjoy the contest and don't forget to vote
in your review!! (even tho we have a winner already for this contest)
The Winner for this contest is P2 (WOOT! hax!)
his first win, he must be so exited :')
DC #6 coming up... soon... well i dunno it could take some weeks =p
what the??
if theyre some place else then whos that???
Voted P2!
Liked the P2 more, and why the hell is P? don't know what a santa is?? Did P? come from other planet??
was p? death!?
also is dc6 coming because you claimed it was coming quite a while ago.
Pwnage, need I say more?