haha it would have been better if the sex pals was in it
Edit 1/2/06:Wow front page! Thanks everyone! Episode 2 is underway. And to everyone who thinks I ripped the jokes off, I really had no idea, I dont really watch family guy, and theres so many episodes of the simpsons its hard to keep track of what they've already did. Anywhoom episode 2 is well underway!
Edit 1/1/06: Wow, Daily 3rd Place! Awesome! Thanks everyone, my work paid off. Episode Two is in the works.
Johnny is taught a valuable lesson by the neighborhood creep, Mr. Reynolds. This is the first episode in my new series, and theres more to come! I hope you all enjoy. Two things first though:
1) I KNOW Mr. Reynolds looks like Quagmire. I really hope this doesnt make people score lower or dislike the cartoon. They look kinda different dont they?
2) The song near the end is only one third of a much larger version. You may get to hear it in the near future...
Anyway, Thanks!
haha it would have been better if the sex pals was in it
I wonder do
what on earth was this about i waited patiently to see if this devopled into a story but what a drag can this be the same place as the brilliant sex tv plas nothing happened i got so bored icould not watch no more obviously the older man was showing the kid places and such and he got high but please explain this to me i did not get it
Fucking awesome man
hah that was fucking steller.
You know kind of sexist and weird but very very cool
I never relized tit was in the word prostitution.
I didn't get the joke about about vegas
but oh well
I hope jenny gets herpes.
Could've been much better
I really like the style, the art is perfectly done, but you really need to work on pacing. It just moved like a snail, so it made the humor too infrequent to be very funny. Mine main gripe (and the reason I bothered writing a review) was that the sound was TERRIBLE. You should really work on that. I felt like the awful sound mixing ruined it. The voices were incredibley quite, then they would get even quiter... then ever quiter... I seriously thought something was wrong with my computer. I was checking my volume and my speakers and I finally decided to just crank them up. Then WAM! Very loud sound effects! Then quite voices. Then BLAST! Deafening sound effects! Then in audible voices again. It was quite frustrating. So in the end, I think you hsould keep at it... just try to tighten it up a bit and for love of God fix your volume levels!
Im going over to the corner......................
............................lol anyway,that was really funny...free weed...sex...ness? :S
Lol no that guy looked like Quagmire off of Family Guy,thats funny...hmmm....I love your buns...not the kind you eat....