Incredibly funny!
Yet still the animation was bad.
Can't wait to see more.
Hey everyone. This is the second episode of J & J’s World. However, the first and second aren’t really related at all. You can go watch the first if you like. I think this one is a LOT better. I introduce a few new characters. This is about three weeks of work.
I hope you enjoy it!
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Please review.
Incredibly funny!
Yet still the animation was bad.
Can't wait to see more.
Well its really the graphics that made this funny too me, I mean I dont know why but they were funny looking. Great ideas here man, nice comedy and all. Hope you make more.
nice work, and funny... but... freaky
That was hilarious!:))) And that freakin pineapple annoyed the hell out of me. Good thing it died:P :))
Want to see more, I do:))
OMFG that pine apple!
I finnaly got ta see sumthing were that !@#$ing pineapple from 6th grade DIES! thanks guys
Hehe, no problem. We hated him too. Ruined French class for me. FRENCH CLASS! Tell your friends.