I really liked the style. That was the best part. Gave me a few laughs too. Keep it up. (I do wonder though, can robots have moustaches? Ever since the old Transformers, I'm troubled with that question. ;) )
Well this is episode 1 of a robot animation I have been working on. I also included an extra, well I hope you enjoy and please vote fairly. Thank you.
I really liked the style. That was the best part. Gave me a few laughs too. Keep it up. (I do wonder though, can robots have moustaches? Ever since the old Transformers, I'm troubled with that question. ;) )
not bad
not too bad. got no complaints about anything. thought it was pretty well done and gave me a few laughs. all right then. keep it up man.
Thanks I spent some time on it.
i like it
because i like idiots. ggs bro
LoL Thanks.
Hey pretty good.
I really liked it. Ha! Johnsons such an idiot. Not meaning to insult you, of course. Did this reveiw make any sense?
Lol it doesn't insult me. I am glad you liked it more will be coming.
That was robo-tastic!
Love the animation, the humor was riding on a single joke, but at least you gave a lot of visuals to look at. Clever idea to have them on wheels, so you never have to animate them walking! The smooth movement helps the cartoon flow nicely. I appreciate the fact you used actual voices and mechanized them, that was well done!