where did you download the song of Infected Mushroom - Pletzturra and it has to be FREE give me the link
*Please vote and review..... and also I'll respond to all reviews*
Thanks to Tom and the voters for the Daily 2nd and the ninjas and samurai addition!
This is a music video that marks the premier of Psyche, my psychotic ninja. it was originally supposed to have a plot, but since I synched it to the song, it didn't turn out like that, and the end doesnt make much sense, but you can enjoy it anyways, right?
where did you download the song of Infected Mushroom - Pletzturra and it has to be FREE give me the link
i liked this, i liked teh end were they were playing together and his 'bother' [i supose that's what he is???] fades away. The whole thing was AWESOME. =3
This was a very cool flash,the character designs we're wicked and the song was amazing in itself but went very well with the flash too,the action was entertaining to watch i loved the fast pace it had and the atmosphere all around with the rain and night,i liked this psychotic ninja flash very much.
one of the best flashes ever, but very confusing.
wicked cool
u rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but wats the plot?
I dunno lol.