pretty short and random, but it was alright to watch. more could've been done on this one... would've been better with better graphics and if it was longer.
Neo attempts to purchase a soda from a machine with an additude
Thanks to Carter for fixing all the crappy stuff and Nathaniel for his Matrix Reloaded soundtrack CD (first track). Also, thanks to Noel for the idea :)
Most sound effects were from flashkit.com
The others were my mouth.
pretty short and random, but it was alright to watch. more could've been done on this one... would've been better with better graphics and if it was longer.
A decent Matrix Parody.
The graphics are basic, but in this case seem to work. The sound quality is good. I say add a few lines from any of the movies that would have relevence to this. Like the overused "I know Kung Fu."
Overall good.
good funny i hate the matrix so l love when ppl parody it the dude his arms and legs could be better otherwise good job keep it up
Pretty funny :D
You could have a better movie improving the graphics and the animation. Hehe.. You put a smile on my lips, thanks.
Oh, btw, you can get the Coca-Cola font at the food and drink section of smackbomb dot com's famous fonts. Then you can use it for the machine.
Not bad.
The animation wasn't too great, but the humor was.
Do a little work on the limbs.
you know, arms, legs, the connecty thingies.
Thanks, I know I'm not the best at animating, but I'm still working on it. The movement of the limbs and such is what confuses me.