In this part: Skits about cowboys, battlemechs, TV show parodies, and more!
The sequel to "Up Skit Creek" was so big that it had to be split into two separate Flash movies. This is the first half.
Watch this one first, then watch the other (the link is in the movie).
Hold your mouse pointer at the top of the movie to access the menu.
Warning: Contains parodies, puns, and psychopaths.
Thanks again to everyone who helped me in some way with this, whether it was voice-acting, locating some music for me, or just sending encouraging e-mails. Cheers. :)
i did
guess it
Tumble weeds are funny...
Even if talking about dead people isn't. lol.
And what is said lapse of time that must be endured before it becomes okay to talk about Steve again?
You made fun of Steve Irwin so -2. Sorry, Steve is dead I thought he was awesome.
im speechlis
this is the funiest thing in the world