I enjoyed it
Well... at least I enjoyed the hitler morphin into barney background while a nuclear explosion in the forground and some weird almost satanic noice loops. That was the best part.
Music video.
I enjoyed it
Well... at least I enjoyed the hitler morphin into barney background while a nuclear explosion in the forground and some weird almost satanic noice loops. That was the best part.
Peer Pressure
Everyone else was doing it so I thought I would too
what more can isay?
i just hate these fruit clocks..doe...its not fun..i dont see the fun in them..acctuly..i just see them as something i want to eat...as they say.."don't play aroud whit your food"....
Well no humor and allways robot voices...doe this is a music video..the music is good but the fruit clocks? what the?...do something easle please ^_^...other whise good luck..
mann this movie was totally fuked up, especially during the end , how that annoying sound just played, i swear i was fukenn reachin the state where i was gonna smash my speakers to the wall
i swer i was fukenn goin 2 eat my moder but den sshe gave me diner
Haha, theres only one way this makes sense, if u were baked