Very good comrade!
This Flash was completed in a record time of about 3 days.
I don't know what I can say about this animation except that the idea of Karl Marx in a Santa Claus costume was too good to pass up.
I got my friend Stephen to do the voice of Santa Marx, and I would like to take this time to thank Jorge for almost doing the voice of Santa Marx.
Very good comrade!
Wow, im not alone...
Greetings my sickle wielding brother, nice to see someone stand up and be counted. good for you. as for the flash, the graphics where a bit average but i'm guessing inexperience, music was sweet (love the murphys) and the message was there..... and right in your face:). good job,
Merry Marxmas
Nice work. I was just wondering if you studied the soviet socialists or actually were one due to the huge amount of sickle and hammers everywhere. I myself study WWII in my spare time so if you ever wanna talk about it hit me up. I think my AIM is in my newgrounds profile.
I am a proud Trotskyist Socialist. I have never hidden this, nor do I hope I ever shall. I wear my hammer and sickle with pride!
Lol good
I actually read the Communist Manifesto and when I compare the Marxist ideas to this I laugh.
This was funny :P
This was very funny comrade, keep up the good work :)