make a full game man cuz this is ok so far all u need is a full game
oh and all u people reviewing bad dont you read athurs comments?
if not he said its just an idea for a a game
This is just an idea for a future game...don't judge it because there isnt really a point/scoring system to it. Judge it based on its potential. The controls are the arrow keys for movement and for jumping. Have fun!
make a full game man cuz this is ok so far all u need is a full game
oh and all u people reviewing bad dont you read athurs comments?
if not he said its just an idea for a a game
LOVE the anime-esque feel, and the guy looks really cool.
put enemy ninjas in it instead of just a dumb following thing, and this could be more fun than SHINOBI (look it up...sweet games, esp the 3rd)
plus, it feels like im playing sonic 2, what with the speed and all.
matt this was pretty cool but of course you should defintly work on this and i had like only two problems one being the ninja star just like randomly following me plus i didnt know what those yellow and red things were, but besides that this was awesome...the ninja movements were great and everything...o yea and the follow people need to stfu...
seriously you guys learn how to review especialyl you jelly_bean i hope your account gets banned from ever reviewing again cause u made taht review acting cock thinking this was gonna get blammed but it didnt and ure review is abusive giving me free whistle points u figit...but yea ne wayz matt good job finish it...
Not very interesting
But still you asked our opinion about the potential and I really like your style, drop the shuriken and just make it an action game the animation is pretty sweet and stylish. Good work too bad it's just a try out.
Greetings, Bart
that was bad shit