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Comrade Combat

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Author Comments

This is my very first Flash movie, I saved up my money and bought flash. But I'm not very good with it yet, I haven't harnessed it's true power I suppose ;D. But I wanted to do a somewhat frame-by-frame high speed fight movie, and this is sorta it.
I figured out what Onion layer is about half-way through the movie and that really helped.
Oh, and this movie isn't about Ketchup versus Mustard, it's about how people need to stop fighting and just be friends!

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Surprisingly Ok

I liked the song and a few of the animations, although it wasn't really my type of flash...

Well..not bad

Its good as very first flash.There are badest flash than this.Feel free to work harder and u will be very good flasher

its ur first so ill let it go

but keep working on it, u may be on to something here

I liked that

That was great for a first flash. I think you are going to be very good sometime soon

It's OK for a first flash

It's OK for a first flash, I like those stylized dudes, sometimes it looks awesome. Practise more so the animation doesn't suck so much :P

Marshmallowcrew responds:

Thank you, The reason I made like that is so I could animate them frame by framy but they really grew on me.

Credits & Info

3.24 / 5.00

Dec 18, 2005
12:54 AM EST