is fun but very hard
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8/8/2009: Clumsy medal fixed! Damn it, it's definitely not easy editing your 4 year old project.
7/24/2009: Freeze glitch fixed! Sorry about that guys...
6/24/2009: Medal get! Lots of bugs fixed, new stuff added (...). As usual, PM me if you encounter any problems.
12/14/2005: Get back in Atari times and collect coins to find the two runes which, if connected, take you to another dimension!
is fun but very hard
I remember playing this as a kid, but always giving up in the end. Now, almost 20 years later (saying this makes me feel old lol), I finally came back and finished it - yay! :D
Nice sweet hard platformer with kooky cool music. LOVE the movement and jumping of the stick man. I had to blow my screen up a lot to play. Very difficult with the platforms having slippy borders. Lots of precise jumping progressing through the levels. Made it to 2 - 3 so that's something. I wish this had a save feature. (Okay, so that's the passwords are for!) Overall, I really enjoyed this one! Well done!
E/T/A 12/15/24 I revisited this one and made it through 3 - 2. Next level is too swirly for me, bats and skulls, but it was a fun (hard/challenging/frustrating) ride. Thanks again!
E/T/A 2/28/25 Woohooooo! Finished this awesome game with all medals! Woohoo! Anyone? LOL
Great game but... umm has no one mentioned the ending? ;)
a cool pixelated game with banger music