I guess it's ok, its a good short, if that is what you were trying to create. The animation was quite smooth, the preloader was the best bit of the animation though.
The sound quality was quite bad, you couldn't really hear you 'breathing' but it muffled when you started to shout, or the person recording it, which was one of the animation's flaws. It was quite a shock, and a really loud shout, when the guy started to scream too - it didn't make me 'jump' but it was a little shock, lol.
O yeah, one thing.. it isn't due to the laws of nature, its the law of science. ;-)
The graphics could of been a bit better, like shading wise, if you improved on that, i'm sure your score would improve too - just don't submit movies to get them through! Spend time on your movies, like work on them for like a week, then submit. It all pays off in the long time!