Dear Truffle
Isnt it amazing how many fanboys come to destroy your review page with just unreasonably bad reviews that just smell like abuse?
Oh well.
I loved it just like the rest, keep up the good stuff :D
Rest in peace!
Dear Truffle
Isnt it amazing how many fanboys come to destroy your review page with just unreasonably bad reviews that just smell like abuse?
Oh well.
I loved it just like the rest, keep up the good stuff :D
ha ha ha
this was funny i only wish it was true i hope it is it better be true i hate LF here a douchebag and needs to be dead
-sigh- idiot
Legendary Frog isnt dead this is yet another hoax like when people wer saying illwillpress was dead and obviousley he isnt (thank goodness) i find someone making a joke about someone elses death to be one of the lowest most disrespectful form of a joke ( unless of course it was binladen or some asshole like that) basicly until i read from Tom Fulp himself that Legendary Frog is dead i wont believe you or anyone else. please think of a better and more tasteful joke for next time.
First, Iwillpress, now LF? Who's next? Tom Fulp? Enough of this "Fake death" flashes...
LegendaryFrog in coma?
Crustclock, he's like 1000 times better than you I bet.
I don't know if he's in a coma, but I can say this much,
he's not dead.