Funny Stuff
That was some funny shit man lmao I am still laughing the only complaint I have is the audio sort of faded at one point in the film. has been down for a while and this will be our triumphant return.
Don't hate us.
JK, but seriously.
Funny Stuff
That was some funny shit man lmao I am still laughing the only complaint I have is the audio sort of faded at one point in the film.
Should be on front page
JK, but seriously! LMAO! Option number 2 go to Chabs-chabular dot com but dont actually go there because its not up yet. I loved how he counted down the work outs too. My other favorite part was when he was like we will start with upper body workouts, lower body workouts and lower body workouts! JK, but seriously this should be on front page! 6/5 if that was possible.
Lol, funny as fuck!
Lol, great voice acting, and i liked how the mouth moved. And you got a great sense of humor. I loved it! This is going to my favourites lol. i want one of his deevee dee's. LOL. Before and after was the best part though, lol. GREAT, make another one of the same guy!
holy crap thats sooo funny
loved it jk, but seriously!
i liked it
not a very creative concept but it was very funny. grafics were well done, and i loved the voices. keep at it, i'd like to see more of these.