Good, incorrect song name
The name of the song is Clubbed To Death
Clubbed to death - Kurayamino Version
Good, incorrect song name
The name of the song is Clubbed To Death
Yeah, now i know, but 3 years ago i didn't :P
Well it's good so far, but you really need to add to this. Try adding outlines, using smooth brushes, more shading/lighting and animating from different angles, not just the same old perspective. Keep it up!
Man, thanks for reviewing my works, really! I made that thing just to try something when i first got flash, now i'm working hard on improving my skills.
Thx rly ^^
((( DECENT )))
Kindof a test but whatever the cas ethe marching knights looked good, allthough you could speed up there animation somewhat abit better, and add more to it sometime, anyways nice job...
Smoother animation, and more content is needed...
A good part of an animation needs smoother animation, but nice stuff sofar...
nice animation use in in your flash,you also added good graphic,leaf flying all around is pretty nice,good job...
its a good start
but next time put the whole thing up, not just some part of it. I think this could be a good thing you have going, but you will need to ensure that the story is good and everything else, Especially since the concept of Good and Evil fighting each other is very old and pretty much in almost every story told. So be careful with it.