Dear KungFu-Gerbil...
Dear KungFu-Gerbil. You are a fag. Not only that but you are a very uneducated fag. The icecaps are diminishing greatly and a HUGE ice sheet down on the south pole BROKE off in 2003 (i think). An opinion is great and all, but if you say that it is quote "Poor scientific knowledge" unquote, while your own view is completely biased and uneducated, that classifies you as "Uneducated fag". Plus, you can't even spell "friends", or as you say, "freinds". Finally I would like to say that if you like polar bears, you should start looking into supporting solar power and other alternate energy sources. And type in "Preventing Global Warming" into Google. There are a lot of small things that you can do that are very cheap. Because I know very well that cost is a huge factor. Most normal people can't afford a brand new hybrid or fuel efficient car.
Cool random fact about the environment: Did you know that hydro power damages the environment? The turbines used actually affect the water flow and f*ck up the rivers mini ecosystem.
Yours truly,
Madhouse Reviews
Presented by I- Wanderwaffle