looks good
But that music started to ^%47 me off
Updated: Ok I feel I need to clarify some things here. Some people have commented on the Religious base for the movie, I'd just like to say that I am, in no way, a christian, nor am i religious. 'Adam' Isn't going to be a 'Join Christianity or Die' movie. The story is just hung loosely on the backbone of the church, thats all.
I'm actually a believer in Gaia but thats getting off topic.
Anyway, As the movie says, Redemption begins 2006, so don't expect anything until then, unless i release it in episodes...
looks good
But that music started to ^%47 me off
The end eat 4 of your points man.
Plus you don't actualy see much of what adam is or may look like or what visual eye candy there may be in the actual Adam.
Apart from that it was cool.
I'd only decided today what Adam was going to look and sound like, so that couldn't of really gone in the trailer. Perhaps i should of put more work into the trailer but that'd mean cutting into the time i have to work on the actual movie, so I wen't for a rushed trailer so i could start work on the movie.
No worries
I bet your getting a lot of bad rep for something that others are claiming to be "religious". No worries here, people can choose to watch something or not to watch something, who gives a shit what the backbone inspiration was. I look forward to seeing ADAM.
It Sounds Really Good
I can't wait for this flash movie to come out. It looks amazingly great. The song fits it so well. I hope Adam doen't try redemption on me. What song was that anyways. I got to get it. Overall I'm giving this a 7, just because it sounds so good. I hope it lives up to what it should be.
I hope it does too... I really wasnt expecting so many people to be looking forward to my actual movie, I just hope no one is dissapointed >_<
Does this have a point???
It looked like a really good start to something that could be really awsome, but then... nothing happened. It continued with the Christian Redemption crap. I don't get it. You say that its hung very loosely around the church, but that doesn't appear to be the case. Its not hung loosely, its shackled to it! If its not a "anima-bible" I think you need to make that more clear.
I guess I did make it a tad.. vague, tad being the understatement of the century. Perhaps I could of been more clear. But believe me when I say, If I ever release this movie, it's more likely to piss Christians off then promote their religion... again I appologise for the Vagueness of the trailer, and also the 'religiousness' of it =/