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Tale of a Broken Heart

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Author Comments

Please review... I dont really hav anything else to say...

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There must be a word...

I've seen animations...with this style...with animals.
I'm tempted to coin them all as "Furrimation", but somehow that seems cheezy.
Ah yes, the review! My heart kept rising and falling so much at one point, you really kept it suspenseful and interesting. Character design, amazing. My only critique would be the flower, you made the dogs (or wolves, i suppose?) so fluid in their motions that i'm sure you could have made the flower petals drop a little more smoothly. But i liked how you used it as a transition, and it didn't really affect the overall piece that much.

... T_T

Simple, easy to follow- and touching

I love it :D Keep up the good work


frekin awsome!!!!
the doggies are so cute!
and the story is amazing!


*holds up both thumbs* it's just so good.. i'm at a loss for words just just w00t *sniffle*


i am sorry for that cute little puppy (SNIFFLE) you shold have put a part where they really find eachother again (SNIFFLE) (SNIFFLE) (CRY) WAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Credits & Info

3.93 / 5.00

Nov 24, 2005
7:50 PM EST