It was alright
The graphics were to be honest pretty bad, but I have to give you points for the music, which was damn good. If you could improve on your animation skills a little bit more, you will definately go far.
Good morning, students!
Today, proffessor Psycho_Midget and myself are going to teach you some lessons on how to get that girlfriend you so desperately want. Don't believe those other dating sites, this is the real solution right here! Thousands of high school girls will flock to your location only to discover you're really smelly.
So take out your textbooks, get ready for notes, and enjoy the lecture.
It was alright
The graphics were to be honest pretty bad, but I have to give you points for the music, which was damn good. If you could improve on your animation skills a little bit more, you will definately go far.
psycho midget made ibate and the race car one just for your information.
Pretty decent
I needed new bating material
Ty ty ty
you make your own bating material you sicko :(
What the hell was this?! I mean, IT MADE NO SENSE!!!. was...different. That guy in the beginning is ugly as hell though
Many things don't make "sense". This is an experimental flash providing a chance for everyone to see the power of the cosmos.
Um I really don't know what to make of this
Good sound. THe graphics could be better. I don't really understand the concept of this at all. IT was funny in parts. iBate for one. But I really didn't understand wnything else does it have a point or is it just a muckaround?
The Thursday Night Special combines fancy preloaders, an interactive menu, tweening shapes, superb audio and FBF animation by psychomidget.
its point is merely to exist.
i hope you're passing professor rtil's english class.