Very good!
Very good animation. made me laugh
Let's see...
My first entry. I've only been working with flash for a week and i wanted to get something up before i finish my main animation. FEEDBACK SEYMORE FEEDBACK.
[edit] glitches should be fixed and changed end music
Very good!
Very good animation. made me laugh
This was the greatest thing ever.
I absolutely blowed a nut while watching this. This has spoken not only to me, but to my whole generation. Surely if Family Guy was to steal jokes from a flash cartoon again, it would be from you sir.
You are the greatest ever.
The graphics were stick, so I couldn't really give you higher. But everything else was fine. Just make it a bit longer next time.
that ruled
the only thing i found wrong with it was, it could have been bigger and had a play button, thats it, other than that, it was perfect. good job.
thanks. the size was small cuz it was a small animation.
it was a good change of pace for newgrounds and it was also a lot diffrent from any thing ive seen befor, so nice job.
please respond.