That was so bad it made me want to pee myself.
Prioritize for your audience. The entire explanation of why this idea or character or whatever was resubmitted could have either been jotted down in the "author's comments," condensed to about two words (such as "I'm sorry") or omitted entirely.
Use your characters better. The thing you had the character doing? With his clone and the gun? No. It's been done before, and it's been done better. It usually involves a plot. Alternately: Do it, but have it done within the space of 5 seconds. You could have used the other time you frittered away to introduce a plot. Theoretically, /you/ could have.
A flash editor is not a good setting for a flash movie. There are very few exceptions to this rule. Your movie was not one of them. Put your guys in a gravy tureen that is sailing along the entrails of murdered kittens. Have them quarrel on the landscape of Jenna Jameson's ass. Whatever you like. Have fun with it. Just have fun with it somewhere other than a flash editor.
The final product you submitted is fine for showing to friends and "just for fun" for yourself, but an audience as *cough* refined as the New Grounds folks are going to want to see more than you crudely stroking yourself to climax with a cheesegrater.