i hate it
This is my first ever sprite movie, but its really just a teaser for the final. Its about a Dance constest that Mario and Wario will compete in, but Wario cheats with a little help by Waluigi, and steals Marios stereo so he cant practice for the competition! Will Mario be able to get the stereo back and kill some Koopas along the way? We'll see my lad...we'll see.
i hate it
to short
muma fucker!
muma fucker! lolz u should make mario say that in a movie sometime it wouldve been funny hearin him say that when that guy took away his music player....... muma fucker!!
Ok teasar
It was a pretty good teasar, i'd like to see how it looks in the end, the killing of the koopas was pretty funny for some reason to me lol, also Mario should of been looking the other way when Waluigi stole the boom box.
not bad
it was an alright teaser. it really has an intersting idea to it. i really look forward to seeing the full finished animation.... i bet it will be interesting to see.