its honestly worrying how many quotes from my vocabulary come from klay world
What if you had 3 minutes to live? wouldnt do the krap THIS guy does!
its honestly worrying how many quotes from my vocabulary come from klay world
I like this new intro! I like it because of how it ends. I am glad it didn't say more. I felt like I knew it was going to say that he would die in 3 minutes. Well, I guess I have nothing to disprove that wasn't said! It was quite unpredictable.
Good thing they've now legalized gay marriage! Of course, I can't tell if these things are male or not. The random violence was nice. It was more creative than most episodes. It's as zany as ever.
Haha, things are going crazy in klay land again! I thought this'd be some three minutes of randomness, but looks like the plot was more elaborate than that. Three minutes to live... wonder how many minutes that was in actual animation? Nice work!
this is funny.
"I'm gonna do all the things I've always wanted to do" *pushes him over*