I used to dominate this game at my school every day until I got good n beat the game at Spokane community college go sasquatch! Absolutely one of my top 5 games by far #1 spot I'm a big fan btw
Frontpage?! Yay!
This game is best described as a mix between Elastomania and
trail bike pro. Use the arrowkeys to drive your motocross
through ten addicting maps. Beat challenges to unlock new
skins and secrets ;)
To those who think this game is a rip off of Elastomania/ Teagames/ Trial Bike Pro/ Austin Powers: Welcome to my Undergound Lair!/ Action Super Cross,
this game was made which much love towards Elastomania, and it is properly credited.
Press Home & End to skip the current level.
BANANA LOVE - (crazy)monkeyskin
Find more cheats on blackmaze.com :)
I used to dominate this game at my school every day until I got good n beat the game at Spokane community college go sasquatch! Absolutely one of my top 5 games by far #1 spot I'm a big fan btw
Just found the game, love it
Anyone else play this game for years not knowing you could change direction.
The game could be dogshit but I played it so much at school that's its 10/10
Before flash dies(or it might already be dead), I just had to play this game one more time. I remember back in middle school me and my friends raced each other to see who could clear the levels the fastest, crazy thinking how that was almost 15 years ago.