Love it! Wade Fulp is such a joke.
Plus Wade Fulp & Red Star? HA GHEY! x3
Welcome to the flash 8 requiring, action packed Swell Collab Four!
***do not watch if epileptic :(***
(apparently, some of you don't now that means you can get SEIZURES)
Secondly, this is a collab, that all 4 artists poured our hearts and souls into. Most collabs are 550x400 at 24 FPS. We laugh at that! this collab is 600x100 with 54 fps of ACTION PACKED FUN!
Please, sit back, and enjoy the feature presentation :D
Love it! Wade Fulp is such a joke.
Plus Wade Fulp & Red Star? HA GHEY! x3
Now I'm seeing double of fucking eyes...ow.
Kinda funny though, I guess.
A comment for each of them
Roflmuffin - Ughh, one of the worst i have seen way too plain! 3/10
Breadfruit - Oww, was that breadfruit that george bush doesnt care about? 9/10
Flclmonkey - Lol heaps of fun with this one, keep on dancing! 8/10
Jellyrools - Wow that was a crazy effect when you watched the lines moving one way and the figure moving the other 8/10
Zekey - Not bad the background was alittle tame, but the music fitted 7/10
I loved the selection menu with the bhc music in the background. I am dissapointed though that you guys arent continuing with 6 each collab!
(Kiss my ass XwaynecoltX)
Roflmuffin > all
Roflmuffin's entry here was by far the best, I'm so happy I don't suffer from epilepsy, since if I did I would have missed out on such an epic flash. I'm loving this series, I hope to see many more.
Lots Of Love, Rebecca Rose
foaming chicks are hot.
how random can you get!