that was funny, make more of these
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa
that was funny, make more of these
you did a great job...i like to combust...great..but needs more buttons
~the great demon block~
But it should have more buttons though.
Erm... huh?
Oh, great. Just what we need: a clone of the Glock Group, on a smaller and crappier scale. Thank you, Clock Crew! See what you've done! You created the frigging Lock Legion, followed by the frigging Glock Group, and now THIS! If you bastards are going to do ANY FLASH AT ALL, DO MUSIC VIDEOS! IT'S THE ONLY THING YOU GUYS ARE GOOD AT, SO STICK WITH IT!
Except for you guys and the Glocks. You suck too much ass.
lol that was acually funny some how... don't ask me for people that think im sending this from a clinic... im just in a very happy mood today lol... :D