the last dude was right...its gamecube...not gamecue
This is an education movie about Gamecues. If you are looking for entertainment, do not bother wating this, this is for educational purposes only.
the last dude was right...its gamecube...not gamecue
Pretty good...
Very interesting, but I found one error. Unless this is meant to be a joke, it's pronnounced and spelled Gamecube.
Now I understand the gamecue
This sounds hilarious when mixed with Your Inner Breadfruit Lock...or is that missing the whole point.
not bad
very strange animation, but it was okay to watch.
this gave me a case of the giggles
i like this kind of stuff, i hope to see another thing that says "your inner (put something here)" if stuff kind of like this keeps getting made then if i can be home schooled because all i have to do is listen to this stuff, the sad part is after it said "gameboy activity" i dunno if it was suppose to happen,but it was over,i wish it was better,like the "your inner gost" thing,even though that one was long and took some time,i can now happily say what a gost is,as for the gamecue,i have little to say