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Author Comments

The prequel to MeltedCheeseClock.

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Very good collaberation!

Very good colab! i am not the biggest fan of clocks *COUGH*, but i try to give everyone the benifit of the doubt.
prfect parody of clock cartoons! i hope to see even more.

P.S. I'm thinking of joining the F-KREW as "Agent Chaos". What do you think?

Zer0-exy responds:

thanks for the review.ur welcome to come join the forums if u havent already.but if u havent already joined,wen u do make sure to IM or email me or another admin so u can be verified ;)

Love it!

I always wondered before. GREAT JOB!

Zer0-exy responds:

o...k...thanks...i think.wats wid the sudden ~ock hating?

Way to suck...

Your movies are terrible... They're unimaginative, boring, stupid..
Hell, there's a slew of ajectives I could use to describe the suck in your movies.
Go back to making stick movies, this looks like it was made in MS Paint.

Zer0-exy responds:

well something compelled you to watch it and i'm willing to bet this is an alt account so w/e i dont care.im not gonna waste my time defending something that i had very little to do with...

Heh, can't tell the difference...

If I didn't already know you hate the cc I would tell by THIS flash... B!

Zer0-exy responds:

ugh once again someone slanders my name with hating the CC.
1-i dont hate the CC
2-you'll never find anything i said being anything more than a neutral position
3-how would you tell from THIS flash?
read the previous response.


so you hate a flash group, and make an animation promoting your hate. and the animation turns out to be worse than the majority of clock movies out there anyway.

yeh you make a whole lot of sense there moron.

anyways, this is meant to be a review so i'll review this flash;

the animation; mediocre and choppy.
the concept; small minded, ignorant, and moronic.

if you want to hate a flash group (which is a stupid thing to hate anyways, it's like hating disney because of the talking animals), at least make sure you can make better flash than them, dumbass.

Zer0-exy responds:

i DONT hate a flash group.i just helped a friend out by helping her finish this flash.and it doesnt promote CC hate at all.yeh he says "that son of a bitch" but he has good reason.watever direction this series goes without my name on it isnt my problem.

and we're not here to please you.you do your thing,we'll do ours.

Credits & Info

2.65 / 5.00

Nov 6, 2005
1:35 PM EST