very strange animation... nothing too exciting or fun to watch, but at least your efforts were good and adequate enough to keep it from being blammed. for the full .wmv, pictures, how we made the costumes, and other goodies :D
very strange animation... nothing too exciting or fun to watch, but at least your efforts were good and adequate enough to keep it from being blammed.
worse than bad
i wouldnt say it was bad i would say it was very bad,make hte sound better,and in demand more VIOLENCE!
what was that
aaaaa, this is not ebaumsworld, this is like a place where flashes can get to gether and have a drink, and some fun, not where some one films something stupid and it thinks that it can just come hang out with the flashes, i dont know what you where thinking submiting that, go home, we dont like you.
ok. strangest thing i ever seen
that was the wierdest thing ever i recomend u never film a movie and put it into flash again
this isn't flash
i have no problem giving you straight zeroes. this site is for flash.