This is tragic throughout most of the animation but became beautiful at the end. Bravo!
The 8 types of pain worked out in small animations. Who has never experienced one of these and are you experiencing one of them now? Put it in your review if you want. :)
- Holy poo, 100000 views, amazing!
--update 6/14/2016 Holy shit over 220.000 views now. I still watch it myself now and then :) Thank you so much everybody for the comments and votes!
- Spelling mistake gone.
- Made some screenshots for somebody, if you want them too: http://www.ourguardian.n
- Wow frontpage, cewl!
This is tragic throughout most of the animation but became beautiful at the end. Bravo!
pain dwells in all of us but very few learn to use it to their advantge
Silent nactch...
hallo...Frunde... this animation is a genious blen of sorrow, pain Und misery... i would love to copy your style of animation and music for a project on my heart and i hope others have a similar reaction oh Und before i resing my self to bed (1:52 a.m. eastern time) i want to say this line from my favorite game ever... " Alright Ladies Move Out, We Have A Possible Xenomorph Infestation Here, You Heard Me A Bug Hunt, That Means Nail Your Targets At A Distance, Molecular Acid Is A Bit*h." Und (and another) "Aright Marines Lets Show Em' How Its Done!" Und "Your Not Killin Us This Time Strogg!" und (final one) "Strogg Moving In For The Kill, Sir?" "There's Nothing We Can Do." "So There As Good As Dead?" "Affirmative..." gutennacht!
this is...great
you have expressed how i feal...all the time...24/7...:(
well anyays i love it it just broug back some.......unwanted memorys so i'm giveing it a nine thank you this is an awsome flah :)
...%u0131 have Fear.And %u0131 cannot overwhelm it *sob*.%u0130 can't...*sob*