funny, entertaining dialogue, cool artwork =)
I did in like 2 days for my college Composition class. ^_^ It’s two whiny fan girls (voiced by me and my male friend) fighting over whether X-Box or PS2 is better. The text accompanying them for each of their retorts is showing what logical fallacy they are using (fallacies are devices used in arguments). Their insane fan girl attitudes about either system are NOT my own (I don’t think either is better than the other) but I am making fun of how some single-system-centric fangirls/boys SOUND (YES some are that bad... O_O ). ((Also – The sound used during the credits is “Ghetto Superstar” by Mya)) Enojy!
funny, entertaining dialogue, cool artwork =)
Pretty good flash.
Graphics were rather good. And it was rather funny having a male voice actor for a female character. Good message, don't get in console wars, what's the point bitching about "this console is better than that one because ....." seems that some ppl rave about their "superior" console choice. Get over it! pc are way better anyways ^^
Japan Is Superior!!!!
pretty good flash regardless of the guy voicing a girl its pretty funny and Japan is superior in all ways however I do own both consoles and both of them have certain games better then the other console for example DOA ultimate does look kick ass on the xbox however you have the lieks of GT 3 on ps2 and the fact Resident Evil Games are only out on Nintendo and PS2 meaning that the PS2 has that going for it but then again Im a resi evil fan anyway.
It achieved it's purpose; however,...
I would have liked the voices to have been female.
you forgot gamecube like everyone else.;_;
The drawing and animation was good but the sound was kinda hard to understand but the song at the end was pretty good.