very strange animation, nothing real exciting and quite random.... and its not a game.
i scraped this up from an old cd. This is one of my first movies so the animation quality isnt suberb. I think some of the jokes are a bit of laugh though.
very strange animation, nothing real exciting and quite random.... and its not a game.
i think my pc went haywire.. this submission is under the GAME category?!?! well anyways, it was nice, the funny ideas, funny advices, it was ok
not bad
well the graphics were njot the best
the sound got horribly awful after a long whle of looping
howvere this was very original and the jokes were original and it wasgood to come up with them
"beware of pie monsters"
dont make cruisers out of paper"
That was awesome, wonderful use of random :P
---It was "unfortunate" that this was submitted---
I don't know which was worse, the graphics or the sound! To be fair, this short offered some good advice. Well here's some more... Put some REAL effort into your submissions, unless your original intent IS to produce crap!