a very simple game, with simple graphics. i really liked the music from the audio portal in this one too, helped make it better..... so far, my top score is 412.
My first complete game. I'm currently working on a bigger game, but now is not the time to talk about it.
Welcome on the Bridge! While on it, there are three things to do.
1- Run for your life!
2- Eat healthy food to have enough energy to...
3- Run for your life!
As the bridge is falling under your feet, you must run. Instructions inside the game. Can you earn 1000 points?
My score is 945 ;)
One more thing...
I've got trouble making my preloader start BEFORE the music loads. It is supposed to "Export in first frame" (the music) but it exports in frame 0... Can anyone help me?
a very simple game, with simple graphics. i really liked the music from the audio portal in this one too, helped make it better..... so far, my top score is 412.
Nice work!
I have to admit, this was actually an entertaining little fun game - a rare site now adays!
At first, I couldn't figure out where my guy was. He had run way to the right side of the map. A small little glitch there.
However, once I figured out what I was doing, it became rather entertaining... I only got up to 100 and something...
But great job!
Thank you :)
I'll try to correct this glitch soon. ;)
i liked it
this was fun and chalenging...i whole heartedly disagree with the person b4 me and i think this was a great game keep it up
Thanks! =D
Nice try
ummmmmm no, its boring and the controls and graphics suck but it was a nice try, maybe next time
My next game is the opposite. A good context, nice graphics and hum... controls. There are only four key to press and I managed to make it suck :P
I want a prize!
the guy was strangely phallic
this game is way too simple and boring
And how! :P