Holy Shit TOM!! that was fucking histerical!!! One of the best movie's I've seen lately!! I agree that the "woman maynard" was worse than a picture of my great grandmother's vagina, but STILL it was FUNNY!! I hope You KILL that asshole maynard one day!!! Burn HIM!! BURN HIM!!! This one time I bought a box of matches and tried to set my dog on fire except it wouldn't let me and I was angry and I slit my wrists. It was fun. But back to your movie...It was wayyyy tooo SHORT!! Make it LONG and HARD to watch!!! Put dancing midgets holding hubcaps above their heads for an introduction, and change your plot of NOTHING to a story about America's ever-changing views on black people. I LOVE my girlfriend..well..loved until she dumped me for a 65 year old rich dude, cut to me KILLING hiM!!! HAHAHAHAHAH I hate that fuck. Anyways your movie was alot better than "Have it" I love you make love to me NOW!