npt a great deal to it but it made me giggle! short sweet no-nonsense nonsense.
A movie about a inquisitive man who is scared and lost in the woods and finds someone to tell him what he desires to know.
You might not "get it" but thats ok.
10/27/05 - update: fixed some of the little bugs
npt a great deal to it but it made me giggle! short sweet no-nonsense nonsense.
ummmm.... o.o
ummmm..... what the hell.....
my eye!!! x.<
thanks, '
oh and sorry about your eye, hope that gets better for you
glad you found it funny, some people don't get it at all,
(i don't know if you "got it" but glad you thought it was funny)
(actually i don't know if anyone will ever "get it")
HAHAHAHAHA, that was funny.
This is jeff right?
hope it is, thanks for the review
The graphics in this flash were quite good. The sound, music wasn't bad and the voice wasn't bad either. This flash, it was short and I found it quite boring. When the characters came, something did happen, but I didn't like it at all. I didn't find this flash funny at all, but I can see you have put some effort in this flash.
nice trees
I liked the graphics but the plot and joke were slim.