I'm not quite sure what was funny about that...perhaps with a large quantity of green in me, I might enjoy it, but as I am now...I almost fell asleep.
Also how did we get from Arnold to Waldo to Waldo bunnies? It seems like this was just a ploy to get interactivity points. If you want to make a toon, make a toon. If you want to make a game, make a game. Don't lump the two together unless it makes sense.
Now, my big pet peeve. I don't care if you're 17 years old, you should be able to spell. I mean mispelling Arnold? Chinese? The T-shirt had two spelling mistakes (though you used synonyms, so I can see where you went wrong.) All it takes is a quick scan through to pick those up. If you're not sure, check a dictionary...or the internet, it's not that hard. 5 extra minutes, and I probably wouldn't have put this in the BLAM column. Without proper spelling and grammar it shows that you don't care enough about your toon, and to me that means it doesn't belong.